Martha Cove Marina


Today's Forecast  :  Increasing clouds with little temperature change.

Updated at 9:19am on 22/10/24
      Wind Speed Wind Direction
Temperature :   24.2 o C
Wind Speed :   --- knots
Wind Direction :   ---, or --- o
10 Minute Avge Wind Speed :   --- knots
10 Minute Wind High Speed :   --- knots
Wind Chill :   --- o C
Humidity : 54 %
Barometric Pressure :   1010.7 hPa  
3 Hour Barometer Trend :   Steady  
Today's Rainfall :   0.0 mm Tide Chart (m above AHD)  
      Tide Chart
Moon Phase :   Waning Gibbous
Tide Level at 9:19am :   (TBA) m above AHD
Marina Channel Depth :   (TBA) m
Water Temp at Depth of 1m :   --- o C
Sunrise Today :   5:24am
Sunset Today :   6:45pm

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