Martha Cove Weather | |
Mobile (Size = 72kb) | |
Updated at 3:13am on 31/12/24 | |
Forecast : Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hours |
Temperature : 17.6 o C | |
Wind Speed : --- knots | |
Wind Direction : ---, or --- o | |
10 Minute Average Wind Speed : --- knots | |
10 Minute Wind High Speed : --- knots | |
Wind Chill : --- o C | |
Humidity : 84 % | |
Barometric Pressure : 1016.3 hPa | |
3 Hour Barometer Trend : Falling Slowly | |
Today's Rainfall : 0.0 mm | |
Today's High Temp : 18.7 o C at 1:14am | |
Today's Low Temp : 17.5 o C at 3:12am | |
Today's High Wind Speed : 0.0 knots at ----m | |
Moon Phase : New Moon | |
Tide Level at 3:13am : (TBA) m above AHD | |
Marina Channel Depth at 3:13am : (TBA) m | |
Water Temperature at Depth of 1m : --- o C | |
Sunrise Today : 5:59am | |
Sunset Today : 8:46pm | |
More Info : | | | |
Martha Cove Wind - Data | |
Martha Cove Wind - Charts | |
Martha Cove Webcam | |
Martha Cove Tide Chart | | | |
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